



菊池桃子 青春のいじわる - YouTube 夏が終わる。 今年も、探していた八〇年代の面影たちには、会えたような、会えなかったような。 どこかに、まるでアメリカの50年代から抜け出してきたような、ジュークボックスが鳴り、チューブ型のネオンサインが光る喫…

I'll be loving you always

penchant n (French)~ for sth liking or taste for sth: She has a penchant for Indian food. predilection n (fml)~ (for sth) special liking (for sth); preference: a predilection for Japanese food. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, with Ex…


aggravate v [Tn] 1 make (a disease, a situation, an offence,etc) worse or more serious: He aggravated his condition by leavi g hospital too soon. exacerbate v [Tn] (fml) make (pain, disease,a situation)worse; aggravate: Scratching exacerba…


In his novel Animal Farm, George Orwell satirizes totalitarian governments that revise history by changing their original commandment:"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." By ignoring the Black Lives Matter …


flabbergast v[Tn usu passive] (ifml) overwhelm (sb) with shoked amazement: surprise very greatly: He was flabbergasted when he heard that his friend had been accused for murder. flagrant adj (usu of an action) particularly bad, shocking an…

Nuclear Burn

Thailand is now ruled by the National Council for Peace and Order(NCPO), the Orwellian name the Thai military regime gave itself after last year's coup - one of a dozen such successful putsches in the country's modern history. ("Thailand r…


How To Blow a Conch Shell - YouTube センコフスキーというのは一九世紀の作家・東洋学者で、アラビア語・トルコ語などをはじめ何か国語もできた人。その人が書いている、ブランベウス男爵という人が書いたことになっている小説が、ロシア版ほら男爵の話ら…


麻倉未稀 - ミスティ・トワイライト - 1984.01.14 - YouTube ロシア語資料、読了。ほとんどが読んだことない小説群についての評論だから、ところどころわからないところもあったけど。今年はこれ読んだから、まあまあじゃないか。 麻倉未稀「ミスティ・トワ…


明るい表通りで / バンバンバザール - YouTube 20日木曜、NHK-FMの午後7時半から、ビリー・ホリデイのことを音楽家たちが語る番組をやっていました。酒場/ライヴハウスに見立てたスタジオで、森本レオさんがマスターに扮し、木村充揮さんと金子マリさ…

Edo River

promiscuous adj 1 (derog) not carefully chosen; indiscriminate or casual; promiscuous friendships, ie ones made without careful choice. 2 (derog) having (esp casual) sexual relations with many people: promiscuous behavior 〇 a promiscuous …



Ich bin es zufrieden. I am satistied with it. 新英語から入るドイツ語 作者: 佐々木庸一 出版社/メーカー: 郁文堂 発売日: 1989/04 メディア: 単行本 購入: 1人 クリック: 5回 この商品を含むブログ (2件) を見る 自宅2階に数か月ぶりに上がり、ここにし…


All that philosophers have handled for thousands of years have been concept-mummies; nothing real escaped their grasp alive. When those honorable idolators of concepts worship something, they kill it and stuff it; they threaten the life of…


reprimand v[Tn,Tn.pr] ~ sb(for sth) rebuke sb(for a fault,etc),esp, offcially. rebuke v [Tn,Tn.pr] express sharp or severe disapproval to sb, esp offcially; reprove sb: My boss rebuked me for coming to work late. Oxford Advanced Learner's …


escapade n daring, mischievous or adventurous act; prank; a foolish,childish,boysh, etc escapade. ploy n words or actions, eg in a game, intended to win an advantage over one's opponent: It was all a ploy to distract attention from his rea…


pugnacious adj(fml) inclined or eager to fight; aggressive: in a pugnacious mood. pernicious adj(fml) ~(to sb/sth) having a very harmful or destructive effect (on sb/sth): a pernicious influence on society 〇 a pernicious campaign to black…


relinquish v(fml) 1[Tn] give up or cease to practise, feel,etc (sth): abandon: relinquish the struggle for power 〇 relinquish bad habits 〇 He had relinquished all hope that she was alive. rescind v [Tn](law) cancel or repeal (a law, cont…




abscond v1[I, Ipr] ~(from...) go away suddenly and secretly, esp in order to avoid arrest: He absconded from the country.2 [Ipr] ~ with sth go away taking sth to which one has no right: He absconded with £8.000 stolen from his employer. O…


adjourn v 1(a)[Tn usu passive] stop(a meeting etc) for a time; postpone: The trial was adjourned for a week/ until the following week.(b)[I](of people at a meeting, in court, etc) stop proceedings and separate: The court will adjourn for l…


Festina lente! ラテン語のしくみ 作者: 小倉博行 出版社/メーカー: 白水社 発売日: 2007/04 メディア: 単行本 購入: 4人 クリック: 14回 この商品を含むブログ (5件) を見る 今朝はアラームが鳴るのにも気づかず、8時まで寝ていました。今日は一ページも進…






buffoon n ridiculous but amusing person; clown: play the buffoon. irreverent adj feeling or showing no respect for sacred things. condone v[Tn, Tg, Tsg] treat or regard (an offence)as if it were not serious or wrong; overlook; forgive:cond…


sloth n[U] laziness; idleness. sumptuous adj looking expensive and splendid: a sumptuous feast 〇 sumptuous cloths. summation n (fml) 1 summing up; summary: begin a summation of the evidence presented. 2 adition: do a rapid summation of th…

'Round Midnight



The worst tool for understanding history is the eraser. (TIME, July 27, 2015, "Dump the Confederate flag. Dump Cosby. But don't dump the reruns", By James Poniewozik.) 他国の事なんで論評は難しいんですが、「(サウス・カロライナの事件の犯人…


wean v 1[Tn,Tn-pr]~sb/sth(off sth)(on to sth) gradually stop feeding (a baby or young animal) with its mother's milk and start feeding it with solid food. 2 (phr v) wean sb (away) from sth/doing sth cause sb to stop doing sth,esp gradually…


This book sells(=is sold) well. 訳文 この本はよく売れる。 研究 形は能動で意味は受け身。正式には、例文は This book is sold well. とすべきものである。次の類例を見てみよう。この例でもわかるように副詞がつくのが普通である。 (1) This apple cooks…


svelte adj(approv)(of aperson) gracefully thin: a svelte figure. fastidious adj 1 selecting carefully: choosing only what is good. 2 (sometimes derog) hard to please: easily disgusted: She is so fastidious about her food that I never invit…