


Mais Um Adeus~ブラジル音楽を聴きながら英語とロシア語を総復習している

Mais um Adeus - Vinicius de Moraes 一月がやっと終わる。かといって春がすぐ来るわけでもないけれど、以前書いたことがある通り、二月の十日ごろになると寒気が緩んで、道が雪どけでべちゃべちゃだったことがあって、そんなのを目安に、厳冬期ももうそう長…


Humans exterminated an array of weird and wonderful Australian creatures within only 4,000 yoeas of arriving on the continent, according to a recent study that shifted blame away from climate change. Before the arrival of homo sapiens, Aus…

Beat It~ホワイトハウスでは今ごろ、新参者らがトイレの場所ぐらいはおぼえたところ

PFEIFER: I think the most important piece of advice that I would give anyone who's entering the White House after serving on an winning presidential campaign is that campaigns are AA baseball, and the White House is the major leagues. You'…


U.S.President Donald Trump has attracted ridicule for his solution to computer hacking: Write stuff down and send it by courier. Actually, given what we saw in 2016, that might not be such a bad idea. ’Japan Times On Sunday' January 22, 20…

Down in Mexico~曇って暖かな一月最後の金曜

昨日の時点で、今日は強風と雨の予報。南から暖かい空気が入ってきたそうで、雨こそ降らず、こっちの地方は風もそうでもなかったが、今日は今時期にしては暖かかった。 で、バスで出かけたのだけれど、家を出て気づいたら、コートを着ていなかった。シャツの…






aggrandize ▶verb [with obj.] increase the power, status, ot wealth of: ■enhance the reputation of(someone) beyond what is justified by the facts: アメリカ大統領に関する報道で、ずばりあれは単なるself-aggrandizementだ、との批判が紹介されてい…




It must be a Britain that encourages free trade at a time when its benefits have been called into doubt, not least by the incoming president of the United States. Critics might ask how Leavers can be genuine free traders while simultaneous…


Referring to the large number of Australian visitors to Niseko and other ski resorts in Hokkaido, Abe said, "I'd like to enjoy skiing in Niseko with Prime Minister Turnbull someday." 'Japan Times On Sunday' January 15, 2017. グラーニンの『…

Yes, we can~札幌行きで受けた知的刺激を整理して過ごす一日


My Favourite Things~語学徒の冬も半分を過ぎて



When Benjamin Franklin invented the lightning-rod, the clergy, both in England and America, with enthusiastic support of George III, condemned it as an impious attempt to defeat the will of God. For, as all right-thinking people are aware,…


SPAIN The government is considering reducing Spain's long workday by two hours and shifting clocks back an hour to the country's original time zone. The 11-hour day currently includes a lengthy break for a siesta, which many don't take bec…


thesmartset.com In my youth, I studied 20th-century art history. In hindsight, this was a waste of valuable time because the art historians were trying to impose a philosophical framework on what was in fact just a series of fads and fashi…




dirigible ▶noun an airship: fatigue ▶noun 4(fatigues) loose clothing, typically khaki, olive drab, or camouflaged, of a sort worn by soldiers on active duty: mercenary ▶(pl. mercenaries) a professional soldier hired to serve in a foreign a…


If you are kind to your brother because you are fond of him, you have no merit; but if you can hardly stand him and are nevertheless kind to him because the moral law says you should be, then you are the sort of person that Kant thinks you…

Party Time~バートランド・ラッセルの中に80年代の余韻を見つけた冬の日

Malinowski found it quite impossible, in spite of his best argumentative efforts, to persuade his friends on the islands there is such a thing as paternity. They regarded this as a silly story invented by the missionaries. Christianity is …


Now, apart from arguments as to the proved fallibility of memory, there is one awkward consideration which the sceptic may urge. Remembering, which occurs now, cannot possibly -he may say- prove that what is occured at some other time, bec…


Lennie looked eagerly at him. "Go on, George. Ain't you gonna give me no more hell?" "No," said George. "Well, I can go away," said Lennie. "I'll go right off in the hills an' find a cave if you don' want me." George shook himself again. "…


"Awright," she said contemptuously."Awright, cover 'im up if ya wanna. Whatta I care? You bindle bums think you're so damn good. Whatta ya think I am, a kid? I tell ya I could of went with shows. Not jus' one, neither. An' a guy tol' me he…


www.japantimes.co.jp これはほんとにそうだなと思いつ読む。経済学が難しいのは、用語の定義がはっきりしないまま、まるで自明のことのように使われているからで、無用の誤解や混乱のもとになっている。 たとえば、株や債券を購入する人は多い。それを「株…


猪瀬──外国人が思っているような独裁者ではないですね。実際の政治は元老がやっていたんですから。ただ、指導者としてのイメージは別にあったと思います。 たとえば日清戦争のときに広島まで行ってあそこに大本営を築いた。木造二階建ての簡素な建物だったに…

Super Jet~もう一回だけ渡部昇一『発想法』の思い出

発想法 リソースフル人間のすすめ (講談社現代新書) 作者: 渡部昇一 出版社/メーカー: 講談社 発売日: 1981/11/18 メディア: 新書 クリック: 1回 この商品を含むブログ (2件) を見る 渡部昇一『発想法 リソースフル人間のすすめ』は、どこで買っただろう。も…


当時を回顧すると、私の手にあったのは、英独仏という外国語の知識だけであったような気がする。曲りなりにも、これらの外国語の書物が読めるというのが、唯一の救いであったように思う。 わが人生の断片 (上) (文春文庫 (398‐1)) 作者: 清水幾太郎 出版社/…






In short, the celebrated European Project is a wrech. The EU started as a loose collection of European states cooperating for a common ends but has turned into a consolidated continental state run by a heavy-handed bureaucracy with little …