


 Last, and perhaps the most important, the Luddites were understood to represent not merely a threat to order, as riotous mobs or revolutionary plotters of the past, but in some way not always articulated, to industrial progress itself. They were rebels of a unique kind, rebels against the future that was being assingned to them by the new political economy then taking hold in Britain, in which it was argued that those controlled capital were able to do almost anything they wished, encouraged and protected by  government and king, without much in the way of laws or ethics or customs to restrain them. The real challenge of the Luddites was not so much the physical one, against the machines and manufacturers, but a moral one, calling into question on grounds of justice and fairness the underlying assumptions of this political economy and the legitimacy of the principles of unrestrained profit and competition and innovation at its heart. Which is why the architects and beneficiaries of the new industrialism knew that it was imperative to subdue that challange, to try to deny and expunge its premises of ancient rights and traditional mores, if the labor force were to be made sufficiently malleable, and the new terms of employment sufficiently fixed, to allow what we now call the Industrial Revolution to triumph unimpeded.


Rebels Against The Future: The Luddites And Their War On The Industrial Revolution: Lessons For The Computer Age

Rebels Against The Future: The Luddites And Their War On The Industrial Revolution: Lessons For The Computer Age








 これと、発売から時間の経ったマッキントッシュをいろいろ改造したりしながら使っているマニアの姿が妙にかぶるのだが、どんなものか。そういうマック改造機を「ハッキントッシュ」というのか(注記 マックのOSをWindowsマシンにインストールしたものをそう呼ぶらしい)。こっち方面は、ぜんぜんうとくなってしまった。

My Hackintosh at 1 year. Has it been worth it?