


Nothing is more boring or more unfair to the author than starting to read, say, Madame Bovary, with the preconceived notion that it is a denunciation of the bourgeosie. We should always remember that the work of art is invariably the creation of a new world, so that the first thing we should do is to study that new world as closely as possible, approaching it as something brand new, having no obvious connection with the worlds we already know. When this new world has been closely studied, then and only then let us examine its links with other worlds, other branches of knowledge. 


Lectures on Literature (Harvest Book)

Lectures on Literature (Harvest Book)

  • 作者: Vladimir Nabokov,Fredson Bowers,John Updike
  • 出版社/メーカー: Mariner Books
  • 発売日: 2002/12/16
  • メディア: ペーパーバック
  • 購入: 1人 クリック: 2回
  • この商品を含むブログを見る

  should が二度も使われていてちょっとお説教っぽくなくもないですが、こんな一節がこの本の冒頭に。こういう、現実世界の物理法則なり人間の心理・生理の法則なりとは独立の「文芸の理」みたいなものの存在の主張って、なかなか出来そうで出来ない。



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