Autumn in New York
A FLG Maurepas upload - Chico Freeman - Autumn ...
volition n(fml) 1 [U] act of using one's will in choosing, making a decision, etc. 2 (idm) of one's own volition without being forced; voluntarily: She left entirely on her own volition.
vicissitude n (usu, pl) (fml) change in one's circumstances,esp for the worse: battling against the vicissitude of liffe.
verisimilitude n [U] (fml) appearance or semblance of being true or real: These flower illustrations show the artist's concern for verisimilitude.
verso n (pl ~s) any left-hand page of a book having an even number of pages.
verbiage n [U] (fml derog)(use of)too many words, or unnecessarily difficult words, to express an idea, etc: The speaker lost himself in verbiage. 〇 plough through the verbiage of an official report, ie read it with difficulty.
verdant adj (fml or rhet) (of grass,vegetation,fields,etc)fresh and green: verdant lawns 〇 trees verdant with young leaves.
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, with Exam Trainer and CD-ROM
- 作者: Joanna Turnbull
- 出版社/メーカー: Cornelsen Verlag Gmbh
- 発売日: 2010/09
- メディア: ハードカバー
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