


'’What was the subject?' I asked.

'I scarcely know. It was strange and fantastic. It was a vision of the beginnings of the world, the Garden of Eden, with Adam and Eve -que sais-je? it was a hymn to the beauty of the human form, male and female, and the praise of Nature, sublime, indifferent, lovely and cruel. It gave you an awful sense of the infinity of space and of the endlessness of time. Because he painted the trees I see about me every day, the coconuts, the banyans, the flamboyants, the alligator pears, I have seen them ever since differently, as though there were in them a spirit and a mystery which I am ever on the point of seizing and which for ever escapes me. The colours were the colours familiar to me, yet they were different.[...]


The Moon and Sixpence (Dover Thrift Editions)

The Moon and Sixpence (Dover Thrift Editions)

The Moon and Sixpence

The Moon and Sixpence

The Moon and Sixpence

The Moon and Sixpence








ノアノア (ちくま学芸文庫)

ノアノア (ちくま学芸文庫)

ノア・ノア―タヒチ紀行 (岩波文庫)

ノア・ノア―タヒチ紀行 (岩波文庫)



久我直子 ノアノア気分